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Seo, Jong Won


Recently, as new technologies are rapidly emerging to automate construction and maintenance processes, cutting-edge research and development are pursued, including Soft Automation and Hard Automation of construction and civil infrastructure.

It mainly focuses on information technology for design/construction/maintenance/operation automation, innovative sensing, and infrastructure monitoring and maintenance.

Recently, Professor Seo Jong-won is conducting research projects such as low-carbon construction equipment operation system, flexible BIM system for linear-based infrastructure facilities, and BIM-based maintenance technology .

Dept. Civil and Environment Engineering – Intelligent Construction Technology Laboratory

Room 510,511, Jae-Sung Civil Engineering Building, Hanyang University

Tel : 02-2220-4481~2

Email :

□ Education

Ph.D. Civil & Engineering,University of Texas,Austin,1998

M.S. Civil & Engineering,University of Texas,Austin,1993

M.S. Civil & Environmental Eng., Hanyang University, Seoul South Korea,1991

B.S. Civil & Environmental Eng., Hanyang University, Seoul South Korea,1989

□ Career

1991.01~1999.05 : California Department of Transportation, Highway Engineer

1999.05~2000.10 : Trans-Pacific Consultants, Project Engineer

2000.11~2001.12 : CH2M HILL, Highway Engineer

2002.01~2002.08 : University of New Mexico at Albuquerque Department of Civil Engineering Assistant Professor

2002 - 2008 : Hanyang University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

2008 - 2013 : Hanyang University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Associate Professor

2013 - Present : Hanyang University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor

2021 - Present: Korean Society of Automation and Robotics in Construction President

□ Main Research Areas

Fully integrated construction technology

BIM for social infrastructure

Graphical control of large equipment in an atypical environment

Virtual reality system to secure construction safety

Automated earthwork system

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